The problem in ros2 for big data
I publish the 1MB data with 10Hz in a topic on ROS2. But I can get the data through ros2 topic echo /topic
Someone know about this?
My test situation is below:
one publisher: Message data size is 1MB, Message rate is 10Hz
one subscriber
topic name is /topic
Now I run the command ros2 run eval_test talker
in one terminal and another command ros2 run eval_test listener
in another terminal. But I can not get the data from listener
Asked by Dragon on 2018-03-15 21:01:23 UTC
There's not enough information in this question to understand what you're asking. Please provide enough information to understand and reproduce your situation. Include specifics about the versions of things installed. and exactly what you're running.
Asked by tfoote on 2018-03-15 21:07:32 UTC
You can find guidelines for asking questions at: as well as in the question prompt.
Asked by tfoote on 2018-03-15 21:07:54 UTC
I add some information.
Asked by Dragon on 2018-03-16 04:33:01 UTC
Is eval_test your code? If so can you share it? 1MB at 10Hz is on par with a moderately slow frame rate camera so isn't particularly large data. It's important to include which rmw implementation you're using what version of ROS2, enough that we can reproduce your problem to be able to help you.
Asked by tfoote on 2018-03-16 14:02:12 UTC