Using Gazebo Plugin [closed]

asked 2018-03-15 14:50:44 -0500

stans gravatar image

updated 2018-03-21 20:25:26 -0500

I am trying to use the Gazebo plugin:

  1. Will I need to install the whole Github repository to use that plugin?
  2. To compile the plugin, will I need to create a directory with CMakeLists.txt and a copy of the plugin code above or is it possible to compile the plugin using the original code (without making a copy)?
  3. After compiling the plugin and trying to run it, I got this error:

fatal error: gazebo_plugins/gazebo_ros_moveit_planning_scene.h: No such file or directory

I have installed gazebo_ros_pkgs/gazebo_plugins. Any suggestions for a fix?

EDIT: The following is my CMakeLists.txt file.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8 FATAL_ERROR)

find_package(gazebo REQUIRED)

add_library(gazebo_ros_moveit_planning_scene SHARED /catkin_ws/src/gazebo_ros_pkgs/gazebo_plugins/src/gazebo_ros_moveit_planning_scene.cpp)
target_link_libraries(gazebo_ros_moveit_planning_scene ${GAZEBO_LIBRARIES})
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Closed for the following reason Question does not follow our guidelines for questions. Please see: for more details. by tfoote
close date 2019-04-07 22:50:15.911771



You haven't given any context for the error you're receiving. What are you trying to do which results in that error?

stevejp gravatar image stevejp  ( 2018-03-16 06:41:03 -0500 )edit

I apologize for the vagueness, I compiled and was trying to use the plugin. The package gazebo_plugins was not detected.

stans gravatar image stans  ( 2018-03-19 10:44:20 -0500 )edit

Is the package found when you use rospack find gazebo_plugins?

stevejp gravatar image stevejp  ( 2018-03-19 11:36:44 -0500 )edit

I downloaded the github repo, so rospack find found it.

stans gravatar image stans  ( 2018-03-19 11:48:56 -0500 )edit