pan_tilt_port: No motors found.
I already checked all of the parameter such as baud rate, id and USB connection etc... There is no problem! And I already tried all of the way which I can found online, but those are not useful too. I get the following error message. If you have had some experience about this problem, Please help me...
* /dynamixel_manager/namespace: dxl_manager
* /dynamixel_manager/serial_ports/pan_tilt_port/baud_rate: 57600
* /dynamixel_manager/serial_ports/pan_tilt_port/max_motor_id: 25
* /dynamixel_manager/serial_ports/pan_tilt_port/min_motor_id: 1
* /dynamixel_manager/serial_ports/pan_tilt_port/port_name: /dev/ttyUSB0
* /dynamixel_manager/serial_ports/pan_tilt_port/update_rate: 20
* /rosdistro: kinetic
* /rosversion: 1.12.12
dynamixel_manager (dynamixel_controllers/
process[dynamixel_manager-1]: started with pid [6560]
[INFO] [1519118409.925877]: pan_tilt_port: Pinging motor IDs 1 through 25...
[FATAL] [1519118412.034350]: pan_tilt_port: No motors found.
================================================================================REQUIRED process [dynamixel_manager-1] has died!
process has died [pid 6560, exit code 1, /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/dynamixel_controllers/ __name:=dynamixel_manager __log:=/home/jeong/.ros/log/2....../dynamixel_manager-1.log].
log file: /home/jeong/.ros/log/...../dynamixel_manager-1*.log
Initiating shutdown!
[dynamixel_manager-1] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
Asked by epiphanyan on 2018-02-20 04:33:30 UTC
There are possibly three reasons due to which this can occur
- Either the id is more than the set range
- Or the baud rate is different
- the motor's firmware is not working properly
try this :
- check the id of motor using single manager gui package from dynamixel workbench and confirm it is not set to be more than 25.
- check the communication baud rate it should match 57600
- if both of the above are fine then do a firmware recovery using R+ manager
Asked by tomarRobin on 2019-06-17 21:29:06 UTC
What dynamixels are you running? and have you tried the dynamixel_motor package I found the dynamixel_controllers one to be unreliable with the AX12 dynamixel
Asked by Peter Heim on 2018-02-20 06:19:30 UTC
Thanks for your reply. I already tried that, but It is still not working. My motor is MX-106
Asked by epiphanyan on 2018-02-20 06:23:12 UTC
Hello :)
ROBOTIS provides official opensource repository as ROBOTIS-GIT?
In this repository, you can find Dynamixel-Workbench to control all series of DYNAMIXELS. Because it is official package for DYNAMIXEL, you can get a proper solution when you faced some problems.
This is WIKI page for DYNAMIXEL and introduced packages.
WIKI for Dynamixel-Workbench
Enjoy with it!
Asked by Darby Lim on 2018-02-22 01:02:13 UTC
I believe that this should be a comment instead of an answer as this doesn't answer the question. Instead, it just points to a wiki and GitHub repo.
Asked by jayess on 2018-02-22 01:33:02 UTC
did you end up resolving this?
Asked by RobotRob on 2018-03-28 15:33:39 UTC
I'm also trying to interface moveit to my real robot i.e RCS-6. I'm using hubby HS422 servo motor. I tried dynamixel_motor pkg but i also got the same error. Can i use dynamixel_motor pkg for my servo motor?
Asked by Ravi_Kanth on 2018-06-18 05:09:34 UTC