debug multiple ROS nodes from eclipse

asked 2018-02-13 03:57:48 -0500

rosusernli gravatar image

Hi All,

I want to debug my ROS code in eclipse. I have different nodes from different packages and some packages depend on messages published from the other. The description is given below:

I have 3 different packages and each package contains 3 different nodes

(sample directory structure)
    |— src
        |— node1_node.cpp
    |— CMakeLists.txt
    |— package.xml

    |— src
        |— node2_node.cpp
    |— CMakeLists.txt
    |— package.xml

    |— src
        |— node3_node.cpp
    |— CMakeLists.txt
    |— package.xml

Each package has 1 executable. I usually execute the 3 nodes from a launch file outside the Eclipse IDE. I was able to debug one executable from the eclipse but since it depends on topics published from other nodes I am unable to proceed.

I need to know how to configure the debug configuration for the three nodes together.Is there a way to do that?

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