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ROS networking unable to see mesages published by slave computer [closed]

asked 2018-02-06 12:33:15 -0500

skynet gravatar image

updated 2018-02-06 13:19:59 -0500

I am running Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic on both a Beaglebone black(Master) and intel NUC(Slave). My problem is connecting the NUC to the ros master on the beaglebone over wifi. I set the ip address of the BBB as and IP address of the NUC as I am able to launch a publishing node on the BBB and echo those /turtle1/cmd_vel messages on the slave but not the other way around. Below are the shell scripts that run on boot on both machines and output of roswtf on each machine when the publisher is running on the nuc(slave) and I am attempting to see the data on the BBB.


 #! /bin/bash
cd $(dirname $(readlink -f $0))
. devel/setup.bash
ulimit -c unlimited
export ROS_IP=
until ping -c1 $ROS_IP &>/dev/null; do :; done
roslaunch robot2017 main.launch
#roslaunch robot2017 turtle_pub.launch

roswtf on BBB(Master)

No package or stack in context
Static checks summary:

No errors or warnings
Beginning tests of your ROS graph. These may take awhile...
analyzing graph...
... done analyzing graph
running graph rules...
unknown network error contacting node: timed out
unknown network error contacting node: timed out
unknown network error contacting node: timed out
unknown network error contacting node: timed out
unknown network error contacting node: timed out
unknown network error contacting node: timed out
unknown network error contacting node: timed out
^C... done running graph rules

Online checks summary:

Found 1 warning(s).
Warnings are things that may be just fine, but are sometimes at fault

WARNING The following node subscriptions are unconnected:
 * /drive_node:
   * /robot/autonomy

Found 2 error(s).

ERROR The following nodes should be connected but aren't:
 * /test_publish->/rosout (/rosout)

ERROR Errors connecting to the following services:
 * service [/test_publish/set_logger_level] appears to be malfunctioning: Unable to communicate with service [/test_publish/set_logger_level], address [rosrpc://]
 * service [/test_publish/get_loggers] appears to be malfunctioning: Unable to communicate with service [/test_publish/get_loggers], address [rosrpc://]

NUC (slave)

#! /bin/sh
. /home/astrobotics/ros_code/devel/
#export ROS_IP=localhost
export ROS_IP=
#roslaunch autonomous_control autonomous.launch
roslaunch autonomous_control turtle_test.launch
#roslaunch turtlesim turtlesim_node

roswtf on NUC(slave)

Loaded plugin tf.tfwtf
No package or stack in context
Static checks summary:

No errors or warnings
Beginning tests of your ROS graph. These may take awhile...
analyzing graph...
... done analyzing graph
running graph rules...
roswtf lost connection to the ROS Master at

Aborting checks, partial results summary:

Found 2 warning(s).
Warnings are things that may be just fine, but are sometimes at fault

WARNING Communication with node [/ds2017] is very slow
WARNING The following node subscriptions are unconnected:
 * /drive_node:
   * /robot/autonomy

Found 2 error(s).

ERROR The following nodes should be connected but aren't:
 * /test_publish->/rosout (/rosout)
 * /test_publish->/rostopic_1664_1495679183324 (/turtle1/cmd_vel)

ERROR cannot contact ...
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Closed for the following reason duplicate question by skynet
close date 2018-03-23 18:40:58.327357


NUC seems to have the same startup script as master, is that a typo?

huanxiner gravatar image huanxiner  ( 2018-02-06 12:59:46 -0500 )edit

Can you please clarify why this is not a duplicate of #q281760 and #q281434? If it is a duplicate: please close / delete this one, pick one of the others and update that.

Please don't post duplicates of your question unnecessarily.

#q281760 even has some comments already.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2018-02-06 13:08:12 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2018-02-06 13:14:10 -0500

skynet gravatar image

Turns out it was a firewall issue that turned on after an update.

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Asked: 2018-02-06 12:33:15 -0500

Seen: 1,286 times

Last updated: Feb 06 '18