ROS qt plugin
Hello. I'm having trouble trying to use Qt for my ROS projects.
First I tried with standard Qt from official webpage, running it from terminal and with some path configurations I managed to make autocomplete work (only in c++ files) but not in include files and also no building was possible because I got some errors as "undefined reference to std::__cxx" from g++ compiler.
Then, I removed Qt and installed ros qt pluguin following this tutorial: link
Now I have qtcreator-ros but I can only launch it from desktop app. When I try to run it from terminal, I get a core dump:
edit: I realized that using sudo solves the issue.
Anyway, I run it from applications, I can create a workspace where I select my catkin_ws.
I try to build I get this catkin_make error:
16:37:49: Running steps for project catkin_ws... 16:37:49: Could not start process "catkin_make" --cmake-args -G 'CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles' Error while building/deploying project catkin_ws (kit: Imported Kit) When executing step "CatkinMake Step" 16:37:50: Elapsed time: 00:01.
So I check my kits and there is something weird...
My kits are not well configured, and I don't know what should I do. It's supposed to be configured automatically, and I don't know where the error is.
Any idea?
Thank you