local path wont follow global path ROS
Hello everyone,
last week i managed to localize my robot in my self created map. After localization im trying to use move base and the navigation stack. At the moment my robot can compute a global map path but the local path is very noisy and is not following the global path. My setup: 4 Wheel drive robot Im publishing /map with mapserver im using laserscanmatcher and amcl for map->odom->basefootprint->baselink->laser (rplidar) In addition im trying to use an Imu. My Arduino programm publishes Imu/dataraw & with imu filter Imu/data I took the Pose information from /amcl/pose topic and the linear_acceleration.x/y and angular.z from Imu and publish them together to /odom topic. So my /odom takes information from: pose = amcl/pose twist = Imu/data
With my described setup my local path is appearing and dissapearing over time and it isnt following my global path which is pretty fine.
Thank you!
Asked by Vladith on 2017-12-20 10:24:15 UTC
what is the type of local planner u are using?
Asked by dines on 2022-12-05 21:06:15 UTC