How to setParam of one of the move_base parameters if getParam function is working?
Hello everyone,
I am currently struggling with the next problem: - I wrote a node in C++ that in its constructor I want to test if certain parameters of movebase exist and if they exist and have other values than I need for my application I want to change those values. My problem is that the test for the parameters is working, the getParam is working but when I try to set the parameters, with rqtreconfigure and also in rviz i see that the param remains the same. - the piece of relevant code that I wrote is the following:
float costmap_global_infl_infl_rad;
if (nh_param.getParam("/move_base/global_costmap/inflation_layer/inflation_radius", costmap_global_infl_infl_rad))
ROS_INFO("Got param: ../global_costmap/inflation_layer/inflation_radius");
if(costmap_global_infl_infl_rad < 0.15)
nh_param.setParam("/move_base/global_costmap/inflation_layer/inflation_radius", 0.15);
ROS_ERROR("Failed to get param ../global_costmap/inflation_layer/inflation_radius");
Do you have any suggestions? Thank you.
Asked by __VlAd__ on 2017-11-13 05:52:19 UTC
Have you tried to change the parameter value in runtime? Because getParam is usually used once when a program starts. If you set the parameter value later, a node that started before won't have this value updated. If you want to do so, you should use Dynamic Reconfigure
Asked by marcoarruda on 2017-11-13 07:35:26 UTC
Thank you for your reply. Still, after some more digging I will resort to something like on this link:
Asked by __VlAd__ on 2017-11-16 06:59:58 UTC
I had answered some time ago this post and shown how to create Dynamic reconfigure parameters and how to use it in C++. It can be helpful too
Asked by marcoarruda on 2017-11-16 08:15:25 UTC