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Point grey camera image capture


I am trying to use a point grey camera with a jackal to capture images and process them by subscribing to the image topic in ROS.

Here is what I am doing:

My problem:

I need advice regarding:

I would really appreciate help and advise.

Thanks, rsmitha.

Asked by rsmitha on 2017-11-09 18:21:13 UTC


What about the compressed image topics? I'm using gstreamer or usbcam ros-pkg/ driver. Here I have topics like username@robot: ~ (0) $ rostopic list | grep /camera* /camera/camera_info /camera/image_raw /camera/image_raw/compressed /camera/image_raw/compressed/parameter_descriptions /camera/image

Asked by glukon on 2017-11-10 03:38:51 UTC

Try to use a /camera/image_raw/compressed before trying 2 do all the work on compression by yourself. After launching (your launchfile) you'll find all the camera topics by opening a new terminal and simply typing rostopic list

Asked by glukon on 2017-11-10 03:40:20 UTC

Thanks, @glukon. I have not tried the compressed image topic. I shall try your suggestions.

Asked by rsmitha on 2017-11-10 15:52:14 UTC

hey, anything new here? successfull? I'm also very interested in your question :)

Asked by glukon on 2017-11-14 11:06:08 UTC

Hi @glukon, I am writing to a file each time the callback happens. That is expensive. So I need to experiment with a smaller sampling rate and converting the image to opencv. I will post my results.

Asked by rsmitha on 2017-11-15 06:00:46 UTC
