Gazebo not publishing plugin topics
I am experimenting with the new release of Gazebo that has been included in the Fuerte release. I am capable of starting a simulation and adding a model through the GUI but I find that no sensor data or other plugin generated topics are being published.
I have checked and the models do include sensor plugins, but I do note the following error when inserting one:
Error [] Unable to find model[box_model]
Error [] Unable to find model[default_pioneer_model]
Error [] Unable to find model[default_pioneer_model]
Despite these errors the model does appear.
When executing the model the following topics appear
Do I need to run the gzsensor or gztopic binaries for this to work? They don't seem to be invoked by the standard launch files.
How can I start subscribing to sensor data?
Asked by JonW on 2012-02-12 14:28:21 UTC