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rosbridge question


Due to your answer I have understood better. But Right now I have this problem. I can receive a topic value using rosbridge, but when I want send it by another topic, something is wrong.

I'll appreciate your support

var listener2 = new ROSLIB.Topic({ ros : rbServer, name : '/chatter', messageType : 'std_msgs/String' });

listener2.subscribe(function(message) { console.log('Received message on ' + + ': ' +; //listener.unsubscribe(); });

var jptopic = new ROSLIB.Topic({ ros : rbServer, name : '/chatter2', messageType : 'std_msgs/String' });

var str = new ROSLIB.Message({ data : '' });


Asked by JohnPa on 2017-09-30 08:17:07 UTC


What is the error exactly?

You can't receive or publish a message, or any other error happens?

Did you check the console on the Developer Tools (pressing F12 normally) to see if there is an error message there?

Asked by Ruben Alves on 2017-10-02 06:33:41 UTC
