The Topics generated by the JTAC have no data
Hello Everyone,
I am working on creating a Moveit!-Gazebo Interface for my Robot and later also expanding it to create a Hardware Interface so that real Robot can act on the trajectory decided by MoveIt!
I have been successful in creating a Gazebo model (though it needs improvements) and also Interface it to RViz-MoveIt! and I see an actuation based on the trajectory in MoveIt!
Since I am using the Joint Trajectory Action Controller I was doing a rostopic echo on the Action Topics thus created, and I was a bit surprised to find out that the Topics like
/follow_joint_trajectory/ goal /follow_joint_trajectory/ feedback /follow_joint_trajectory/ result /follow_joint_trajectory/ cancel
did not have any data in them despite the Gazebo- MoveIt! Interface working well.
If these Topics have some issues then obviously i would be able to get the commands in to the Hardware Interface I would be writing.
Hence, I request some assistance in solving this problem. You may find my Repo over here
I am cuurently using ROS Indigo. Is there someone who has faced this very issue in the Indigo ?
I would be very grateful if someone could point to the missing/ incorrect settings in my code.
Thanks a lot