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Set TCP speed

Dear all,

we are working with ROS indigo right now using a Universal Robot UR10. I am wondering if there is the possibility to set a limit of the TCP speed. There are lot of applications where one needs to set a defined TCP speed, like 100 mm/s or other values.

Anyway, I just found the two scaling factors which are most like only regarding the joint speed:


These scaling factors refer to the URDF files of a robot. In Universal Robot that means for example: velocity="3.2"/ Which unit is that? Is it only representing the joint speed in point to point movement or can I transfer this also to Cartesian movements and therefore to the tool centre point (TCP) of the robot system?

Do you have any idea how I can solve the problem?

Best matl

Asked by matl on 2017-08-24 03:12:10 UTC


Units are defined in REP 103 assuming that the package developers actually followed that. So, velocity should be m/s (or radian/s if it's angular velocity).

Asked by jayess on 2017-08-24 18:29:35 UTC

Thanks for the information. Is it in general planned, that I can easily set an TPC speed of my robot in ROS.

Asked by matl on 2017-09-05 12:43:31 UTC
