ROS node consuming 100 % of CPU load . How ?
I am using ROS - Kinetic , and Ubuntu 16.04 OS . ROS - node uses a synchronizer for Three messages , to be subscribed from Three other ROS nodes .
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I am using ROS - Kinetic , and Ubuntu 16.04 OS . ROS - node uses a synchronizer for Three messages , to be subscribed from Three other ROS nodes .
Please provide us with more information - in this case: a snippet that shows how you run your main loop.
Are you running your own while { ..; ros::spinOnce(); ..; }
or are you using ros::spin()
? If the former: be sure to add a ros::Rate::sleep()
in there, or you basically have a busy-wait.
Yes . I was using ros::spinOnce inside a while loop , without rate.sleep() .
Asked: 2017-08-23 02:28:26 -0500
Seen: 939 times
Last updated: Aug 23 '17
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