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Why does rosbag_storage add "topic" to the connection header?

rosbagstorage makes a copy of the connection header and adds the "topic" to it:

This was apparently added to mitigate an issue introduced by

However, as far as I can tell the topic should already be in the header (and experimentally, when I subscribe with a MessageEvent callback, event.getConnectionHeader()["topic"] does have the topic name):

Am I missing something? Why was it necessary to add the topic separately?

Unfortunately, the old relevant trac issues #3727 (motivation for this change) / #3755 (issue arising as a result of that change) are gone:

Asked by jtbandes on 2017-07-20 14:41:54 UTC


You might file a ticket on the repo in this situation.

Asked by allenh1 on 2017-07-20 16:50:25 UTC

@allenh1 Is a ticket appropriate for just a question? This isn't necessarily a bug, I just don't understand why it is written this way...

Asked by jtbandes on 2017-07-20 17:52:14 UTC

If you have a better solution, you should absolutely file a PR, and if it's just a question, you might just ask and then flag it as "question" in a tag. You might not get an answer immediately, but eventually the maintainer will get back to you.

Asked by allenh1 on 2017-07-20 18:11:21 UTC
