visual navigation
Hello guys, I have a problem: I want to use the stereo visual slam algorithm.But how should I use it for navigation ? What is open source solutions or other method? thank you.
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Hello guys, I have a problem: I want to use the stereo visual slam algorithm.But how should I use it for navigation ? What is open source solutions or other method? thank you.
There are several visual SLAM packages for ROS like: ORB_SLAM and RtabMap, it depends on your application. I rather recommend RtabMap for start since it offers a more versatile GUI. You may need some extra layers for planning and control depending on your aim. Hope it will be useful.
Thank you for your answer, but the question is i already have a stereo visual SLAM algorithm. I not sure how to navigate. Could you give me some advices?
It also depends on your application whether 2D or 3D navigation but, you can start with this:
You can check this tutorial: I think that it will help you
Asked: 2017-07-13 05:30:50 -0500
Seen: 1,213 times
Last updated: Jul 14 '17
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