The hector_mapping and move_base can't work together ,but cartographer can.
Hi , all :
I want to use hectormapping and movebase to work together on the turtlebot which has a rplidar,but when I shart up movebase to get a path planning, I find movebase continuously print the alarm information,
[ WARN] [1499649044.602318070, 109.050000000]: Control loop missed its desired rate of 3.0000Hz... the loop actually took 3.1000 seconds
[ WARN] [1499649044.602556838, 109.050000000]: Map update loop missed its desired rate of 3.0000Hz... the loop actually took 2.7667 seconds
which leads to the robot path planning is not smooth. The robot dosen't move. I have already reduced updatefrequency, publishfrequency of globalcostmap and localcostmap. I also decrease the controll frequence of planner in move base. However, move_base still continuously output the warning information. The robot dosen't move a little.
PS: when I only use hectormapping build a map, everything is ok. who can tell me why movebase print this warn and how to solve this problem ? Thanks.
EDIT·1: I also tried the cartographer-ros and karto with movebase. They all worked fine.
Actually, we have monitored the usage of CPU and memory when running these SLAM packages. We have the order of consumption is cartographer>karto>hector.
So we wonder why the hector mapping with the lowest usage of CPU and memory can't work together with movebase, but cartographer with the highest usage of CPU and meory can!
Hopefully anyone give us any advices!
For experiments in simulator(gazebo), the hardware is with Intel® Core™ i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz × 4 , memory is 15.6 GiB. We thinks such hardware is totally enough for running hector and ftclocalplanner. So it is so weird that the above warning information is output. As I am told from some questions in, this is usually because the CPU power or memory is not enough for running such packages.
We found new situations and asked a new question here, please move to this link. Thanks!
Asked by scopus on 2017-07-09 08:00:51 UTC
Hello,in my opinion,the move_base package work in a different environment.Move_base need the amcl and odom information,but the hector don't approve that.It seems that move_base use a different map message,too. And,how about your hector map?Did it build correctly?I run the hector map with some errors.
Asked by rong888 on 2017-07-10 10:49:53 UTC
hi, the mapping process is without move_base. After a local map( eg. a room) is built, the move_base node is used. We use such combination(we don't use amcl) to implement an online mapping and path planning. Thank you!
Asked by scopus on 2017-07-10 19:59:36 UTC
We found new situation and asked a new question here, please move to this link. Thanks!
Asked by scopus on 2017-07-18 22:37:38 UTC