compiling ros_comm breaks roscore / roslaunch
If I'm interpreting things correctly, is it true that core functionality such as roslaunch is a part of roscomm? - Information and repo attained from here:
However, what I'm noticing is that there doesn't appear to be make rules for roslaunch etc. Therefore, after I compile, it says that there are no rules for catkin_make roslaunch.
Worse yet, this breaks roscore. Anyone have suggestions? Thanks
Asked by xtracrispy on 2017-07-07 11:47:18 UTC
You reference "make rules", but almost all pkgs (if not all) in
are CMake packages, so that is a bit confusing. How are you (trying to) build(ing) things?Asked by gvdhoorn on 2017-07-07 12:07:40 UTC
catkin_make from the root ros directory. Trying to compile roslaunch for example using "catkin_make roslaunch" results in the no rule error.
Asked by xtracrispy on 2017-07-07 12:09:39 UTC
I don't think
catkin_make $pkg
is supported. It should becatkin_make --pkg $pkg
you mean the root catkin workspace dir, right?
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2017-07-07 12:12:18 UTC
solved the problem, roslaunch and roscore were actually breaking because it could not find msg headers after building from source. Resolved by wiping builds, and then manually compiling std_msgs before calling catkin_make at root. Works now
Asked by xtracrispy on 2017-07-07 13:48:33 UTC