Difficulties to takeoff in offboard mode through mavros
I have an issue with the offboard mode on my drone.
I have a pixhawk as flight controller (firmware PX4) and I have installed a raspberry pi 3 as companion computer (Ubuntu Mate 16.04 and ROS Kinetic). Manually, the drone is flying very well. I can go to STABILIZED mode and fly correctly.
When I am using mavros on the rpi to command my drone over wifi and launched my program (rosrun package offbnode), the drone have difficulties to takeoff. It is trying then all motors spin less faster. After the drone landed. I don't think that it is due to the program because it is the offbnode example here (https://dev.px4.io/en/ros/mavros_offboard.html). All is ok with simulation on Gazebo.
The only solution can be a defective motor. Indeed, after the takeoff attempt, the motor 1 is spinning less faster than others. But it is weird because in manual mode, I don't need to compensate.
According to this situation, what do you think is causing that? I will buy another motor if I am sure that it is the problem, but the fact that I have good flying in manual make me hesitate.
Asked by Rudja on 2017-07-03 04:56:35 UTC