unable to launch [] if it is a script, you may be missing a '#!' declaration

asked 2017-07-01 01:06:22 -0500

vinnu428 gravatar image

Hi all,

i am trying to add a package[myPkg] with one cpp ros node with one service in the capability server. but it is showing "unable to launch [] if it is a script, you may be missing a '#!' declaration " but when i ran the command "rosservice call /capability_server/get_interfaces", it is giving my package name as below interfaces: ['myPkg']

here is the problem : but when i ran 'rosservice call /capability_server/start_capability myInterface myprovider' it is giving me error as i mentioned eariler.

Any help would be appriciated,


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Can you post your code? If you are writing in c++ you may not have initialized your node appropriately

Oded gravatar image Oded  ( 2017-07-05 02:11:42 -0500 )edit