rviz display in a small area of the screen
rosrun rviz rviz
[ INFO] [1497728585.682873000]: rviz version 1.12.4
[ INFO] [1497728585.682942000]: compiled against Qt version 5.8.0
[ INFO] [1497728585.682953000]: compiled against OGRE version 1.7.4 (Cthugha)
[ INFO] [1497728586.845912000]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED
[ INFO] [1497728586.845978000]: OpenGl version: 2.1 (GLSL 1.2).
QWidgetWindow(0x7f923d2f70b0, name="ToolsWindow") ( QScreen(0x7f9239c6fbc0, name="Color LCD") ): Attempt to set a screen on a child window.
QWidgetWindow(0x7f923d2f70b0, name="ToolsWindow") ( QScreen(0x7f9239c6fbc0, name="Color LCD") ): Attempt to set a screen on a child window.
QWidgetWindow(0x7f923d2f70b0, name="ToolsWindow") ( QScreen(0x7f9239c6fbc0, name="Color LCD") ): Attempt to set a screen on a child window.
QWidgetWindow(0x7f923d2f70b0, name="ToolsWindow") ( QScreen(0x7f9239c6fbc0, name="Color LCD") ): Attempt to set a screen on a child window.
QWidgetWindow(0x7f923d2f70b0, name="ToolsWindow") ( QScreen(0x7f9239c6fbc0, name="Color LCD") ): Attempt to set a screen on a child window.
QWidgetWindow(0x7f923d2f70b0, name="ToolsWindow") ( QScreen(0x7f9239c6fbc0, name="Color LCD") ): Attempt to set a screen on a child window.
QWidgetWindow(0x7f923d2f70b0, name="ToolsWindow") ( QScreen(0x7f9239c6fbc0, name="Color LCD") ): Attempt to set a screen on a child window.
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::__1::system_error: mutex lock failed: Invalid argument
Abort trap: 6
I can open rviz by rosrun rviz rviz but the screen is very small ,what`s wrong
Asked by westeast on 2017-06-17 14:51:33 UTC