Navigation stack P3DX pointCloud
I am doing the Navigation Stack Tutorial : I am using RosAria and sensor_msgs/PointCloud. I don't have a laser on this robot.
Part 2.1 Create package
catkin_create_pkg my_robot_name_2dnav move_base my_tf_configuration_dep my_odom_configuration_dep my_sensor_configuration_dep
The only package I use to control my p3dx is RosAria so I don't know how to replace tf, odom and sensor packages in this line.
Part 2.2 creating a robot configuration launch file :
<node pkg="sensor_node_pkg" type="sensor_node_type" name="sensor_node_name" output="screen">
<param name="sensor_param" value="param_value" />
In this section, we'll bring up any sensors that the robot will use for navigation. Replace "sensornodepkg" with the name of the package for the ROS driver for your sensor, "sensornodetype" with the type of the driver for your sensor, "sensornodename" with the desired name for your sensor node, and "sensor_param" with any parameters that your node might take.
I don't have a package for the ROS driver for my sensor. Again, I don't have packages for my sensors, so I don't know how to replace what it tells to replace.
Many thanks
Asked by Originelle on 2017-06-15 08:48:58 UTC