Realsense ZR300+Turtlebot2 to SLAM and Navigation
Dear all,
I am a rookie to develop ROS. The purpose for me is to replace kinect with zr300 on Turtlebot2 and use them to do SLAM & Navigation.
Does any open source talk about this?
I try to use the turtlebot_navigation to do this thing. But in the end, turtlebot can't recognize zr300.
I already have camera's drive and can implement it on ROS independently.
I also use the gmappinglaunch and amcllaunch in turtlebot_navigation pakage to change codes but still can't see the zr300 camera on RVIZ.
Can anyone help me to understand this operation? Many thanks
Asked by WilsonTang on 2017-06-09 05:15:48 UTC