can't find pr2_mechanism_msgs package
My ros version is kinetic. I want to go through tutorial for pr2 robot. Then when I tried tutorial for setup assistant, I found there is no binary version of pr2 for kinetic. So I decided to use source code from github. But when I compile the source code, I met the problem of not able to find pr2mechanismmsgs package and I found that pr2mechanismmsgs has no version for distro kinetic. What should I do?
Asked by Oh233 on 2017-06-07 13:10:02 UTC
If binary version is not released, you can always ask on the development repository of the package for the release. For pr2_mechanism_msgs a request is already made by someone. You can add your comment with reasonable motivation etc., which often helps the maintainers to move on to making a release.
Meanwhile you can download the source code and built by yourself, which you've already started. pr2_mechanism_msgs
is found
Asked by 130s on 2017-06-07 13:36:50 UTC
Actually I already downloaded the source code of pr2_mechanism_msgs. But pr2 package has another dependency on one package named pr2_controllers_msgs which can't be found on github. Do you have any idea?
Asked by Oh233 on 2017-06-07 13:48:36 UTC
Thank you so much. I will try to build source code now.
Asked by Oh233 on 2017-06-07 13:55:15 UTC
I met the error of shard_ptr in namespace std does not name a template type. Even I downloaded the kinetic devel for moveit_pr2, I would still meet this error. What should I do?
Asked by Oh233 on 2017-06-07 14:18:52 UTC
Please do not keep asking new questions on a single thread. If your original issue is resolved mark the answer etc., then open a new question.
Asked by 130s on 2017-06-07 14:28:23 UTC
OK. I already opened a new question.
Asked by Oh233 on 2017-06-07 14:35:56 UTC
@Oh233 if this answered your question, please click the check mark to accept it.
Asked by jayess on 2017-12-07 23:26:26 UTC