acceptable % of odometry error of autonomy_create
Hi All,
I am very new into understanding a lot of concepts in ROS, so far I have successfully ran autonomy_create software package and used a simple keyboard_node to drive my create2 robot.
So far this is what I have done. My linear velocity is 0.2 to drive create2 forward in typical square tile carpeted floor. When I subscribe to topic \odom, the initial value is as follows:
x: 0.000963
y: 0
z: 0
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
w: 1
I moved 1m forward and see if I can get 1meter value in my odom pose
x: 1.27661
y: -0.074605
z: 0
x: 0
y: 0
z: -0.070646
w: 0.997501
I moved 1m forward again
x: 2.192413
y: -0.298672
z: 0
x: 0
y: 0
z: -0.138908
w: 0.990305
Based on simple calculation, 19cm is around 10% difference in 2m expected and even y position have some change in value.Currently, I got to know that odometry from wheel encoders alone is erroneous in nature that is why more complex processing is needed (EKF etc.,) now, I would like to know if this 10% error in odometry of autonomy_create that is acceptable to be as input in other package like robot_localization, AMCL etc?
I hope I could learn from you guys. Thanks in advance!
Changes in y are usually because of changes in heading angle. What I do not understand is how you compared the odometry value to the real position of the robot.
I am trying to drive the robot in straight line marked by a tape on the floor. I aligned the bottom of the CLEAN button in the middle on the marked tape (which is only based on my visual estimation). Any suggestion to measure the change in x and y of the robot manually? thanks!
Thats fine I guess. I glue plastic tape measures on the floor.