pub no data after running roslaunch
With using robotlocalization offered by ROS downloaded from github,I came up with a problem: I run roslaunch ekftemplate.launch in a terminal and it turns out to be good.Then I run rostopic echo /odometry/filtered in another terminal while rosbag play a bagfile in another terminal.But I got nothing.Does it mean that the node isn't operating at all or something else goes wrong?
Asked by DaDaLee on 2017-04-27 02:20:05 UTC
check if all your nodes run on the same master with echo $ROS_MASTER_URI on every terminal before you start execution and check all your topics with rostopic list and then rostopic info YOUR_TOPIC
Asked by angeltop on 2017-04-27 08:55:50 UTC
THX!It has been nailed.So nice of you
Asked by DaDaLee on 2017-04-27 20:34:43 UTC