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Point Cloud not getting displayed on Rviz in JetsonTX1


I have installed roskinect on NvidiaJetsonTX1. When I load Rviz with pcd file it is getting displayed but when I Run SLAM it doesn't display neither pointcloud nor image. Individual packages for displaying pointcloud & images works fine.

Any suggestions or solutions regarding this is greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Asked by shashankbhat on 2017-04-24 02:12:47 UTC


What topics are being published when you run SLAM? Can you show a screen shot of rviz in both cases?

Asked by Geoff on 2017-04-24 02:42:16 UTC

I am notable to upload screen shot. Topics published are pointcloud & image

Asked by shashankbhat on 2017-04-24 03:22:49 UTC

If this site won't let you upload images directly, you can use a service such as Dropbox.

Please also post the launch files you are using (both working and not working ones).

Asked by Geoff on 2017-04-24 03:41:22 UTC
