XSens MTw Awinda driver
Hi Ros Users!
Is there any example on getting data from a XSens MTw Awinda system?
Asked by Rahndall on 2017-03-23 08:53:51 UTC
Hi there, as I commented earlier here is the driver I was working on: xsens_mtw_driver
Asked by qleonardolp on 2019-08-20 18:02:38 UTC
Hi there Rahndall, I am working on a driver based on the Xsens SDK 4.6 and using ROS Kinetic for this hardware. It's on development phase and I need to understand the SDK license before share my repo (github) with the community, but as soon as possible this work will be shared.
Asked by qleonardolp on 2019-08-01 07:25:59 UTC