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Gazebo crashes on self collide: 'inf'

Hi guys.

I was altering some minor values in our URDF and now Gazebo crashes shortly after startup. I was only changing small things, like controller PID's, friction and damping etc, and only minor alterations of probably +/- 20%. When launching Gazebo without the ros_control controllers running, the program crashes when the boom slowly falls and touches the blade (our robot is a small excavator). The error output is shown below (comes up 20 times per crash):

Error [] Unable to set value [inf inf -inf -2.15675 -0.36903 -0.86877] for key[pose]
Error [] Unable to set value [inf inf -inf -1.62554 -1.12305 -1.90234] for key[pose]
Error [] Unable to set value [inf inf -inf -1.30275 0.434637 2.40115] for key[pose]
Error [] Unable to set value [inf inf -inf 0.956331 -0.661333 -2.4084] for key[pose]
Error [] Unable to set value [inf inf inf -1.15322 0.249827 -0.069431] for key[pose]
Error [] Unable to set value [inf inf inf 3.07698 0.590642 1.29578] for key[pose]

The same error occurs when you turn the controllers on. You may be able to move the robot for a bit before it self-collides and then it crashes. Everything seems to work fine until a self-collision happens, but just a few hours ago everything was fine. Self collision is turned off for all the links, but we tried on/off combinations with no luck.

Ubuntu 16.04 with Kinetic and Gazebo 7. Willing to try any possible solutions you think of. Cheers guys.

Asked by ufr3c_tjc on 2017-03-13 21:16:29 UTC


Hello. Have you found the solution of this problem? I am also facing the same problem.

Asked by Mifta on 2018-02-06 04:53:39 UTC

If I remember correctly it was because we had no inertia values for our links, so when applying the force due to the links hitting, the force was applied against a link with zero mass/inertia. This results in an 'infinite' acceleration and hence infinite pose. So make sure you have inertias.

Asked by ufr3c_tjc on 2018-02-06 17:24:04 UTC

Any break through? I am also facing same error. My robot model collapses into ground, when I load the controllers.

Asked by dpakshimpo on 2018-04-09 02:25:23 UTC

Make sure you have realistic inertia and mass values. Also make sure you don't have any super-heavy links attached to light links, as this caused us problems recently. Also make sure you have a bit of friction and damping on the joints, as this makes things works better.

Asked by ufr3c_tjc on 2018-04-09 15:56:15 UTC

I'm also facing the same problem .

Asked by Wajdi on 2018-04-12 11:47:16 UTC

I would really recommend all of you post over at Seeing mentioned indicates this is probably a Gazebo problem, not a ROS one.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2018-04-12 11:55:53 UTC
