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ROS_INFO "Deadlocks"

Hello, I am developing a roscpp multi-threaded application and I am getting one error that I never had:

Two different threads get locked to each other at ROS_INFO calls.

So technically it is not a "dead lock", but for some reason the operative system does not finish the write operation.

Anyone of you have ever had this problem? Do you know how to solve it?

Can it be something related with the buffer size? May I not be calling with enough frequency ros::spinOnce()?

Edit: The method I follow to say the app is "deadlocked" is the following:

These are the threads I have:

To me looks like the second ROS_INFO thread should go on a timer. But it is still weird because I think it has been working like this for a while... (but now I am not sure)

Asked by Pablo Iñigo Blasco on 2017-01-25 11:33:56 UTC


Please avoid posting updates as answers, this is not a forum. I've moved the contents of your post to the OP, but please keep it mind for next time.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2017-01-26 06:29:50 UTC

I agree. Thanks.

Asked by Pablo Iñigo Blasco on 2017-01-27 04:09:46 UTC


I'd suggest looking into why the write is not finishing. If that's actually blocking, whatever you do at the higher level is not going to get very far.

Are you sure it's blocking or is it not just getting overloaded and every time you sample it's in the the same write call but a different instantion of it? It's quite easy to have the console output be the limiting factor for things turning over if you have a lot of output.

If you can provide a small self contained example that would be very helpful in figuring out what's going on.

Asked by tfoote on 2017-01-25 21:19:02 UTC


Hello tfoote. Thanks for your response, I have answered in a new response because it is enough large.

Asked by Pablo Iñigo Blasco on 2017-01-26 05:51:27 UTC