Ubuntu Xenial universal_robot driver for Raspberry Pi 3:
I managed to install ROS Indigo from source on Ubuntu Xenial (16.04) on Raspberry Pi 3 model B. (I foolowed this tutorial, ros-indigo-desktop variant) Here is the thing:
- want to try universal_tobot driver, cause I have got UR3.
- I have got it git cloned in my CATKIN_WORKSPACE/src folder.
- Also it has build+run depedencies on ros_control and moveit packages
So I git cloned all those packeges to CATKIN_WORKSPACE/src
and try to resolve my dependencies with rosdep (according to moveit.ros.org/install/source for ROS Indigo) so this is what I got:
ERROR: the following packages could not have their rosdep keys resolved to system dependencies:
moveit_core: No definition of [octomap_msgs] for OS version [xenial]
moveit_msgs: No definition of [object_recognition_msgs] for OS version [xenial]
moveit_planners_ompl: No definition of [ompl] for OS version [xenial]
moveit_ros_warehouse: No definition of [warehouse_ros] for OS version [xenial]
moveit_ros_manipulation: No definition of [manipulation_msgs] for OS version [xenial]
moveit_experimental: No definition of [octomap_msgs] for OS version [xenial]
ur_gazebo: No definition of [gazebo_ros_control] for OS version [xenial]
srdfdom: No definition of [urdfdom_py] for OS version [xenial]
Question: Is there any way I can make my ROS Indigo Xenial work with those packages ? Thanks.
The summarisation of Universal Robot report article is: use ros_control
with speedj
, it's most reliable any accurate method to manipulate with objects.
I've tryed to control just with movej
, movel
, all effects (jerky stops behavior, singularity problems) as described in ur10 permormance analysis are taking place.
Summary: I want to use moveit with ros_control
functionality. So I don't need gazebo, but I need everything else.
Edited(24.01.2017): My sources:
$cat /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ xenial main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src http://ports.ubuntu.com/ xenial main restricted universe multiverse
The same for xenial-updates
, xenial-security
, xenial-backports
What am I explicitely doing: cd ~/ros_catkin_ws/src
rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro indigo -y
Can you tell us which functionality it is specifically that you want to use? Just the driver, or also the Gazebo and MoveIt packages? The driver should definitely be doable, the rest is a bit more involved.
Also, as mentioned on the wiki page of
: for UR3s (with CB3 controllers and Polyscope versions >= 3.x), you should use theur_modern_driver
, notur_driver
.My software version is 3.2.19293, so I am using ur_modern_driver, of course. There are dependency problems, maybe, because of moveit - does it support armhf platforms with ubuntu xenial? (Just love this dependency hell)
You have made things really difficult for yourself: MoveIt can build on Ubuntu Xenial just fine, but it would be easier if you would have built ROS Kinetic, not ROS Indigo.
works ok on your system? It's just MoveIt you need to build now?Unless I'm misinterpreting things, it looks like status_page/ros_kinetic_uxhf.html?q=moveit shows that MoveIt has been released and built for Kinetic on armhf.
It also looks like MoveIt is being built for armhf on Indigo: status_page/ros_indigo_arm.html?q=moveit.
ur_modern_driver also has problems, because it depends on ur_msgs, which needs urdfdom_py package, so I can't use any of developed drivers. $sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-moveit
Unable to locate package ros-indigo-moveit.
$sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-ros-control
Unable to locate package ros