Multiple types in the same Joint Trajectory controller
Hello Guys I just convert my controller.yaml to utilize the Joint Trajectory controller for using it in a 3-dof manipulator. My system is fully compatible with ros_control abstraction format (using the RobotHW class).
The problem that I am facing is that shoulder and elbow joints exposes effortCommand but wrist is a hobby servo so it exposes a PositionCommand. So my initial thought was to do something like that
type: effort_controllers/JointTrajectoryController
- left_shoulder
- left_elbow
gains: # Required because we're controlling an effort interface
left_shoulder: {p: 1, d: 1, i: 1, i_clamp: 1}
left_elbow: {p: 1, d: 1, i: 1, i_clamp: 1}
type: position_controllers/JointTrajectoryController
- left_wrist
This file throw no error but parses only the position joint. And if I remove the left_wrist the trajectory controller parses the effort joints. Is there any valid syntax to combine types in the same controller instance
Asked by elsp1991 on 2016-12-16 11:43:57 UTC