Is there some constrainning in compute_cartesian_path interface?
I use computecartesianpath interface to plan a trajectory.
The first , I get success.It return 1.0.
the second, When I only chage the end effector's RPY , I get fail . It return 0.66.
It look like a link constrain.
why did I get the fail?
advance thank any help!
Asked by clark_txh on 2016-12-05 22:40:09 UTC
this is my position data follow:
first: 0.447003182782,0.341700064972,1.20577053889,0.781268051614,0.578940708366,-0.115967196753,0.202483325242
second: 0.44698715363,0.341770861484,1.20561230051,0.671784296769,0.585057317444,0.0798341552241,0.447258651766
Asked by clark_txh on 2016-12-05 22:42:10 UTC
Is the second quaternion reachable with the specified position? How many DOF are you working with?
Asked by JoshMarino on 2016-12-05 22:56:28 UTC