Why does not std_msgs/header generate an error?
I just fixed an extremely annoying bug. I had defined a message in the following way:
std_msgs/header header
# etc
While the correct way would be
std_msgs/Header header
# etc
Why didn't I get any build errors from catkin? I did not get any runtime errors when subscribing to the message either, I simply did not recieve any messages. The strange thing was that 'rostopic hz
I guess this should possibly be filed as a bug report, if anyone can confirm the issue.
Asked by alf on 2016-11-14 16:45:44 UTC
This should throw an error in catkin. Likely something related to "Could not find messages which YOUR_MESSAGE depends on". If there wasn't an error, I'd suspect you weren't (re)building your message. Maybe an issue with the CMakeLists.txt? Please edit your question and include your CMakeLists.txt.
Asked by jarvisschultz on 2016-11-14 17:30:27 UTC
I've tried cleaning and rebuilding, but there's still no error. Here's my CMakeLists.txt file: https://gist.github.com/anlif/e4f57820dc1cc09d32f1142425d83fcf
Asked by alf on 2016-11-15 04:07:39 UTC
That same CMakeLists.txt file (I had to comment out a few missing message files) produces an error exactly like I suspected when I use your first definition. Would it be possible to share the entire package? Or at least include the culprit message file and the package.xml in your Gist?
Asked by jarvisschultz on 2016-11-15 11:43:11 UTC
What OS, and ROS version are you on? Can you find out what catkin version you have (if apt-get, something like
dpkg -l |grep catkin
?Asked by jarvisschultz on 2016-11-15 11:44:52 UTC
Agreed with @jarvisschultz. I have tried to change my msg to use
and i had this errorCannot locate message [header] in package [std_msgs] ...
Asked by DavidN on 2016-11-15 11:57:16 UTC