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Serial Communication between Arduino and MATLAB in linux environmnt

Hey Folks,

I have successfully connected arduino with ROS, now am trying to connect arduino hardware with MATLAB in Ubuntu environment, there are many problems appeared and I didn't find a useful solution yet!

The error is

install_arduino Warning: There is at least another arduino.m file in the path, the installation will go on but it is strongly suggested to delete any other version before using this one

In installarduino (line 15) Arduino folders added to the path Error using installarduino (line 35) Unable to save updated MATLAB path (why?) On Windows, exit MATLAB, right-click on the MATLAB icon, select "Run as administrator", and re-run installarduino.m On Linux, exit MATLAB, issue a command like this: sudo chmod 777 usr/local/matlab/R2011a/toolbox/local/pathdef.m (depending on where MATLAB is installed), and then re open MATLAB and re-run installarduino.m

As I mentioned before the connection between Arduino and ROS is much faster and efficient than using MATLAB, but the problem is the feature for controller plots etc is much easier at MATLAB.

Looking forward for your reply!

Asked by marwa eldiwiny on 2016-11-12 11:34:39 UTC



Late answer, but still relevant because I hadn't found any solutions online either. It is possible, but you need to have a second serial connection from your arduino, one for Matlab, and one for Ros.

Have a look at this Matlab Project, it should fulfill all your requirements:

Asked by SMEAC on 2018-12-04 11:01:59 UTC
