How to redirect a web repository to a local folder in a ROS package?
I'm newbie in this. I'm trying to use the turtlebot packages in a Roomba 600 but I can't. I've found that the default rate is 57600 and I need to change it to 115200. I've saw in the folder "create_driver" that it is at /opt/ros/indigo/share/create_driver
the "package.xml" file and this file uses the roomba driver of a github repository, this is the code:
Driver for iRobot Create and Roomba
This is a generic driver for iRobot Create that currently holds
implementations for Turtlebot and Roomba. Port
of by Damon Kohler. It is currently labeled as
turtlebot_driver pending review by the entire create community
before using the name create_driver.
For ROS bindings, please see turtlebot_node.
<maintainer email="">OSRF</maintainer>
<url type="website"></url>
<url type="repository"></url>
<url type="bugtracker"></url>
<author email="">Daemon Kohler</author>
<author email="">Ken Conley</author>
<author email="">Melonee Wise</author>
In that repository uses a baud rate of 57600 and my robot works with 115200, I've download the package of this repository and I've change it the baud rate but I don't know how to use it instead of the web repository, that I imagine is this line code : <url type="repository"></url>
Thanks in advance!!! <rosdoc config="rosdoc.yaml"/> </export> </package>
I have some questions. Have you created workspace and initiated it? Do you know how to clone the package getting it from online? Maybe, I could help you getting the answer of these questions.
Thanks to show my question Dr, with respect to his questions, I have a workspace and I know how to clone a package, but I cloned the "turtlebot_create" package in this directory
because I imagine that this package is a complement of the "turtlebot_bringup" package.I've followed this tutorial [ ] to execute this package with the respective configurations of the roomba base, but I have not connection, I think that it is by the baud rate.
By that reason I found that the roomba driver is execute it online or I think so, and this driver is configured in 57600 bauds. For this reason I wonder how to execute this driver of locally way so I can make the change of the baud rate. Thanks by your attention.