Control Tutorial RC circuit with ROS
Hey FOlks,
I wonder if I can do this experiment without using MATLAB and instead using ROS, Now I understand how to make connection between ROS and Arduino. But what about the other features as shown here
Asked by marwa eldiwiny on 2016-11-05 18:26:11 UTC
While ROS allows you to write code that runs an arduino and communicates with a PC, that's about where the similarities with Matlab/Simulink/Arduino end.
You could probably implement some arduino code which excited an RC circuit and measured the response in the same way, and you could record the results, but ROS doesn't provide many software libraries for doing system identification or control system design.
ROS does have very nice integration with python so, once you had recorded results, you'd probably want to load the bag file in python and use the tools in scipy to analyze your data, and then use matplotlib to plot it.
Asked by ahendrix on 2016-11-05 20:55:10 UTC
Thanks, but from your answer seems that MATLAB is powerful tool for control theory rather than ROS. To be honest, I didn't find MATLAB useful at All, it is just black box!.
Asked by marwa eldiwiny on 2016-11-06 15:14:56 UTC
If you just want to focus on the math, and avoid the implementation, Matlab is great, but you are also correct that it is mostly black boxes. Matlab provides a lot of features that integrate well together, whereas to do all of those things with ROS you need to combine many different tools.
Asked by ahendrix on 2016-11-07 01:34:49 UTC
To be clear; I like ROS and Python, would probably do something like this with ROS, but it would take longer than doing the same exercise in Matlab.
Asked by ahendrix on 2016-11-07 01:35:42 UTC
I have tried this example, but I don't know how to do that for taking analog signal from arduino to it, any example please
Asked by marwa eldiwiny on 2016-11-12 19:43:03 UTC