octomap insertRay is slow

asked 2016-10-26 13:55:10 -0500

game-of-drones gravatar image

updated 2016-10-26 18:58:46 -0500

Hi, everyone,

I'm working on a project on simple sense-and-avoid for a mobile robot equipped with a LiDAR scanner. My goal is for an untrained operator to manually RC the robot, and if the robot detect obstacle with unsafe range in the moving direction, it'll stop.

After a bit research, I decided to use the octomap package developped by Hornung to build the 3D occupancy grid in real-time. Then I query the occupancy-grid if the cells in my moving direction if free or not to make decision.

To achieve that, I wrote a simple code which subscribes to the sensor_msgs/Pointcloud2 topic published by the LiDAR driver, and insert the point cloud to the OcTree every time one cloud is available. Here is how I inserted the point cloud in the callback function of the point cloud topic:

  for(pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::const_iterator itr = myCloud.begin(); itr != myCloud.end(); ++itr)
    point3d endpoint(itr->x, itr->y, itr->z);
    m_octree->insertRay(sensorOrigin, endpoint);

The problem is that this code cannot run in real time due to insertRay(). I found this by publishing a debug_message every time after the insertion as an implication of the insertion frequency and using "rostopic hz" to compare the frequencies of my point cloud and the debug_message. The difference is drastic: the point cloud topic is published at 750 Hz, with about 300 points in each cloud, while my debug_message frequency is only about 60Hz.

However, if instead of using insertRay, I use "m_octree->updateNode(endpoint, true);", the frequency of insertion is boost to 750 Hz.

The problem is, using updateNode, I only know that the cells containing the points are occupied, but the space between my sensor and the points is free space.

Can someone give me some help of how to solve this problem: either speed up "insertRay" to directly get information of free cells, or use the fast "updateNode" and then figure out the free cells by myself? (One solution in my mind is to initialize the octomap with all cells free. )

Thank you so much in advance!


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Some thoughts: if building from source, make sure to enable optimisations (-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release or RelWithDebInfo). In all cases, updating an N dimensional data structure will take time: would a 2D costmap work for your application? Not a solution, just asking.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2016-10-27 02:37:05 -0500 )edit

Hi, gvdhoorn, thanks for your suggestions. I tried but saw no difference. I'm not familiar with 2D costmap, but I need a 3D occupancy grid.

Currently I'm lowering the resolution of the OcTree from 0.1 to 0.4, seems helpful. Also I'm trying insertPointCloud instead of insertRay, looks promising.

game-of-drones gravatar image game-of-drones  ( 2016-10-27 12:42:47 -0500 )edit