gazebo_ros_vacuum_gripper not working as expected
Hello there,
I am trying to use the gazeborosvacuumgripper plugin from gazeborospkgs in Jade. My URDF can be found here. Basically it is a box that starts out roughly 0.5 m above ground and then gravity pulls it downward. On the underside of my box, I have added a link/joint for the vacuumgripper.
I am able to turn the grasping service on and it notifies me on the topic /Gecko_2/vacuum_gripper
that it is grasping. However, if I apply a body force in Gazebo that is just larger than the weight of the box, the box moves upward off the ground plane in Gazebo. When this occurs, the state of /Gecko_2/vacuum_gripper
stays True
This should not happen from my understanding of the vacuum_gripper. Is there something I am doing wrong?
I want to be able to extend this example to a walking robot in which each leg will be attached to the groundplane through a vacuumgripper.
Any help would be appreciated, including going about this a different way. I looked into gazebo/physics/
, but have not yet tried. It appears to create a fixedJoint
between the gripper and the grasping object for a certain amount of time.
Asked by JoshMarino on 2016-10-25 15:43:57 UTC
This seems like it's more a Gazebo question (so should be asked there), but @wkentaro?
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2016-10-26 00:51:36 UTC
See Need help to trigger the vacuum gripper? for a related question btw.
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2016-10-26 00:52:38 UTC
Asked on GazeboSim Answers
Asked by JoshMarino on 2016-10-27 17:03:45 UTC
gvdhoorn, sir, I have one more question sir , what needs to be done to let gripper pull objects on collision, I mean applying force on any other part of the object rather than just center of mass?
I am asking similar question as this one,
Asked by Abdullah on 2016-10-31 14:15:14 UTC
I'm not the author of the plugin, @wkentaro is. Perhaps he can help you.
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2016-10-31 15:04:40 UTC