how to test motor using cansend after initializing canopen_motor_node
Hi. My intension is to control my robot using roscontrol and roscanopen. The motors are DS402 compliant.
After launching the canopenmotornode and calling its initialize service(rosservice call /driver/init
) , I can monitor the data frames on the CAN bus through candump can0 -cdex
1.The problem is the canopenmotornode keeps showing warnings like [ WARN] [1475834950.492997669]: RPDO timeout; RPDO timeout
. Is this normal?
2.Moever, when I sent data frames to test the motor, discarded message
would show up, but candump showed that the data were sent successfully to CAN bus.
Thank you in advance.
Asked by Craig on 2016-10-07 07:23:42 UTC