got problem with rviz in ubuntu 16.04
hi all. recently i install rosmake and rviz and other related packages such
i think have unknown problem when i try to run rviz. first i run roscore then i run rviz. but i cant put any shape in this plane. i cant see target frame in global options and so on. even when i want to run rviz with rosrun rviz rviz i get this error:
/usr/bin/rosrun: line 56: rospack: command not found
i use ubuntu 16.04. and i'm very new to this word so i think i miss some packages. thanks
Asked by destrat18 on 2016-10-02 12:30:24 UTC
First things first: please describe how you installed ROS, which tutorials you followed, CPU arch (x86, x64, ARM). The fact that
is not working / preset points to issues with your install.Asked by gvdhoorn on 2016-10-03 08:08:28 UTC