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Kionva Jaco arm stops execution

HI - I am working with a kinova arm. I have a basic pick and place pipeline setup. I am using a asus xtion camera to get the poses of the objects after some segmentation. My program prompts the user to input the object that needs to be picked. Associated with each object is its pose. Once commanded the arm goes to the specified location to pick object. The program again asks user input as to where to place it.

The trouble I am having is that the arm does not work at times. It goes and picks up object but then when told to place the object at some specified location it does not work. It just stops. I do not whether it is the way I am sending these commands is wrong or is it that there is some internal issue with the arm itself. Note that I had been using the same pipeline with a Baxter robot and it was running fine. Nothing ever stopped.

I tried printing debug messages and this is what I get.

e X -0.469786; Y -0.0721737; Z 0.00968114; ThetaX -3.13985; ThetaY 0.0119405; ThetaZ 0.00929383
DEBUG ros.kinova_driver: void kinova::KinovaPoseActionServer::actionCallback(const ArmPoseGoalConstPtr&): current_pose X -0.469786; Y -0.0721737; Z 0.00968114; ThetaX -3.13985; ThetaY 0.0119405; ThetaZ 0.00929383
DEBUG ros.kinova_driver: void kinova::KinovaPoseActionServer::actionCallback(const ArmPoseGoalConstPtr&): current_pose X -0.469786; Y -0.0721737; Z 0.00968114; ThetaX -3.13985; ThetaY 0.0119405; ThetaZ 0.00929383
DEBUG ros.kinova_driver: void kinova::KinovaPoseActionServer::actionCallback(const ArmPoseGoalConstPtr&): current_pose X -0.469786; Y -0.0721737; Z 0.00968114; ThetaX -3.13985; ThetaY 0.0119405; ThetaZ 0.00929383
DEBUG ros.kinova_driver: void kinova::KinovaPoseActionServer::actionCallback(const ArmPoseGoalConstPtr&): current_pose X -0.469786; Y -0.0721737; Z 0.00968114; ThetaX -3.13985; ThetaY 0.0119405; ThetaZ 0.00929383
DEBUG ros.kinova_driver: void kinova::KinovaPoseActionServer::actionCallback(const ArmPoseGoalConstPtr&): stall_interval_seconds_
DEBUG ros.kinova_driver.actionlib: Setting the current goal as canceled
DEBUG ros.kinova_driver.actionlib: Setting status to canceled on goal, id: /pp_node-7-1473793713.444, stamp: 1473793713.44
DEBUG ros.kinova_driver.actionlib: Publishing result for goal with id: /pp_node-7-1473793713.444 and stamp: 1473793713.44

The warning that I get when the arm stops.:

 WARN ros.kinova_driver: void kinova::KinovaPoseActionServer::actionCallback(const ArmPoseGoalConstPtr&): LINE 192, setPreempted
DEBUG ros.kinova_driver.actionlib: The action server has received a new goal request
DEBUG ros.kinova_driver.actionlib: A new goal has been recieved by the single goal action server
DEBUG ros.kinova_driver.actionlib: Accepting a new goal
DEBUG ros.kinova_driver.actionlib: Accepting goal, id: /pp_node-8-1473793717.660, stamp: 1473793717.66
DEBUG ros.kinova_driver.actionlib: Setting the current goal as canceled
DEBUG ros.kinova_driver.actionlib: Setting status to canceled on goal, id: /pp_node-8-1473793717.660, stamp: 1473793717.66
DEBUG ros.kinova_driver.actionlib: Publishing result for goal with id: /pp_node-8-1473793717.660 and stamp: 1473793717.66
DEBUG ros.kinova_driver: void kinova::KinovaFingersActionServer::actionCallback(const SetFingersPositionGoalConstPtr&): LINE 157, setPreempted 
DEBUG ros.kinova_driver.actionlib: The action server has received a new goal request
DEBUG ros.kinova_driver.actionlib: A new goal has been recieved by the single goal action server
DEBUG ros.kinova_driver.actionlib: Accepting a new goal
DEBUG ros.kinova_driver.actionlib: Accepting goal, id: /pp_node-9-1473793733.652, stamp: 1473793733.65

I also tried running the arm with just kinova's api. Whenever the arm stops, I copy the pose and run it with just the kinova api standalone. Example code that they have it in their git repo. And the arms runs just fine. I feel it is the way i am sending the commands makes it stop. But also note that this does not happen everytime. Sometimes I have gotten the arm to execute the entire pick and place routine. But most of the times it stops. I have spend weeks on debugging this and haven't found anything yet. Need help!

Asked by rdhn on 2016-09-13 14:38:08 UTC

