Can it be detected when messages are dropped from publishing and subscriber queues
According to ROS Documentation Publisher and Subscriber queue_size argument controls the queue message size for publishers and subscribers. It also says that if a queue gets fulls, oldest messages will be dropped. Is there a way to find out when messages are dropped? Is there a way to know how full are the queues are?
Asked by chukcha2 on 2016-09-12 16:34:10 UTC
The publish and subscribe queues are both per-subscriber.
The topics page describes the Topic Statistics feature which measures topic frequency, bandwidth and dropped messages, and from the message definition it looks like those statistics are per-connection. I haven't used these myself, but you should be able to view the topic statistics in rqt_graph
You may also want to read the paper that was written when the topic statistics feature was added.
Asked by ahendrix on 2016-09-12 23:39:07 UTC