Which combination of ROS distro, Gazebo & Tum_simulator ?

asked 2016-09-01 20:47:11 -0500

alienmon gravatar image

updated 2016-09-01 20:50:46 -0500

I want to use parrot ar drone for a project. So, I plan to download its simulator in gazebo, tum_simulator.

I use Ubuntu 14.04 , ROS Indigo, and gazebo 2-2 (which is the default in indigo).

--I checked tum_simulator page , it says that

"The ROS version should be fuerte and the Gazebo version of the ROS plugin (which is, for fuerte, 1.0.2)."

and it's true when I checked the github , the only branch available in fuerte.

--Then, I found another github page , which provides tum_simulator using indigo. This version is also in the original git hub page's pull request, but hasn't been merged.

--My Questions:

  1. Anyone ever used the tum_simulator for indigo that I put above? How's it different from the original one for fuerte? Are all the topics, msgs ,etc the same ?
  2. Which one do you suggest, using the indigo version or the fuerte version?
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