rostopic echo gets no data but node does
This is how my setup looks like
- desktop computer
- odroid xu4 (arm computer)
I tried running the master on both computers and I export the the ROSIP and ROSMASTER_URI like that:
- oroid: export ROSIP=odroidIP and export ROSMASTERURI=http://desktop_IP:11311
- desktop: export ROSIP=desktopIP and export ROSMASTERURI=http://desktop_IP:11311
I publish image data from the odroid and I get the data on the desktop. I process the image data on the desktop computer and publish a std_msg::Float32 (lets call the topic "duration") message with a time stamp. So good so far...
Now here's the problem:
When I try plotting the "duration" topic with rqt or try rostopic echo "duration", I don't get any data. But when I write a small python script and subscribe to the topic "duration" and print the data on the console, it works just fine...
It also works if I run everything on the desktop computer (camera attached to the desktop) and run rqt or rostopic echo.
Any help would be appreciated
Asked by toblech on 2016-08-24 03:50:21 UTC
To get it out of the way: you start
in an environment whereROS_IP
are correctly set? Just asking because I've seen ppl set it in one terminal, then open a new one and be surprised that things "don't work" in that one.Asked by gvdhoorn on 2016-08-24 07:31:23 UTC
yes. Either I have it in my .bashrc or I source it every time I open a new terminal.
Asked by toblech on 2016-08-24 07:53:34 UTC