roslaunch error: ERROR: cannot launch node of type
Hi all,
I am a beginner to ROS (Indigo and a 14.04 Ubuntu machine) and as a project, I tried to use Pocketsphinx ( to set a 2D nav goal in RVIZ for a turtlebot simulator. However, when I try launching using roslaunch pocketsphinx goto.launch
it gives an error: ERROR: cannot launch node of type [pocketsphinx/]: can't locate node [] in package [pocketsphinx]
I have already sourced devel/setup.bash
and devel/
and have done catkin_make
For the python program, (located at catkin_ws/src/pocketsphinx/nodes
folder), I largely based it off of this:
I then proceeded to make a launch file (located at catkin_ws/src/pocketsphinx/demo
<node name="recognizer" pkg="pocketsphinx" type="">
<param name="lm" value="$(find pocketsphinx)/demo/goto.lm"/>
<param name="dict" value="$(find pocketsphinx)/demo/goto.dic"/>
<node name="goto" pkg="pocketsphinx" type="" output="screen">
<remap from="cmd_vel" to="/mobile_base/commands/velocity"/>
If anyone could tell me what I am doing wrong, it would be great!
Thanks, Rithvik
Asked by Rithvik.Chuppala on 2016-08-14 02:36:03 UTC
As ahendrix suggested, didn't have execute permission set. To set execute permission I used: chmod +x ./ Now it seems to working fine!
Asked by Rithvik.Chuppala on 2016-08-14 13:20:54 UTC
Where did you get the files goto.lm and goto.dic? I am using your question as a guide to get pocketsphinx running. I'm on 14.04 but with Jade. Any help really appreciated.
Asked by billy on 2016-08-16 00:32:36 UTC
Does your
have the execute permission set?Asked by ahendrix on 2016-08-14 12:07:00 UTC
does not have execute permission set. I changed it and it works now! Thank you very much! :)Asked by Rithvik.Chuppala on 2016-08-14 13:14:55 UTC