Creating msg and srv tutorial
I'm doing this tutorial
There's one more step, though. We need to make sure that the msg files are turned into source code for C++, Python, and other languages:
Open package.xml, and make sure these three lines are in it and uncommented:
Note that at build time, we need "message_generation", while at runtime, we only need "message_runtime".
My question is: It says that while at runtime, we only need "message_runtime". , then why it put the message generation in run_depend (look at the three lines)?
In addition, can you please explain what are message_generation, message_runtime , and all these things we put in the middle of build_depend ,run_depend, and other tags are? noob questions
Lastly.... I noticed that in the tutorial: while in creating msg, it mentions to call generate_message function and to make sure we export message_runtime dependecy. In creating srv, it doesn't mention to do so. Is it not required for creating a srv? Why?