turtlebot visualization tutorial : missing step ?
I am a beginner with the turtlebot, and I am getting through the tutorial. Everything went smoothly until visualization : http://wiki.ros.org/turtlebot/Tutoria...
"roslaunching" 3dsensor.lauch results in :
[ INFO] [1469218497.427352736]: Initializing nodelet with 4 worker threads.
[ INFO] [1469218499.896268578]: Device "1d27/0601@1/32" found.
[ERROR] [1469218500.368594755]: Unsupported color video mode - Resolution: 640x480@30Hz Format: RGB888
[ INFO] [1469218501.848436029]: Starting depth stream.
[ INFO] [1469218502.347021890]: using default calibration URL
[ INFO] [1469218502.347443168]: camera calibration URL: file:///root/.ros/camera_info/rgb_PS1080_PrimeSense.yaml
[ INFO] [1469218502.348959188]: Unable to open camera calibration file [/root/.ros/camera_info/rgb_PS1080_PrimeSense.yaml]
[ WARN] [1469218502.349194447]: Camera calibration file /root/.ros/camera_info/rgb_PS1080_PrimeSense.yaml not found.
[ERROR] [1469218503.085167492]: Rectified topic '/camera/depth/image_rect_raw' requested but camera publishing '/camera/depth/camera_info' is uncalibrated
[ WARN] [1469218512.948623954]: [image_transport] Topics '/camera/depth/image_rect_raw' and '/camera/depth/camera_info' do not appear to be synchronized. In the last 10s:
Image messages received: 0
CameraInfo messages received: 300
Synchronized pairs: 0
RViz starts correctly and shows the robot model and the tf tree. But nothing else. Status of Laserscan, DepthCloud,Registered Depth, PointCloud, Registered PointCloud are all "Ok". I checked the topic /camera/depth/image_raw and it was being broadcast at 30Hz. Yet, none if this is displayed.
The status of "Image" is "Warn" (no image received).
Looking for this I found that maybe this may be due to me not calibrating the xtion. ( http://wiki.ros.org/camera_calibration ). I am a little dubious because the tutorial does not mention this (or did I miss it ?). Also since the depth images are broadcasted, it seems strange they are not being displayed.
Anything I may be missing ?
(ubuntu 14.04, ros indigo, kobuki base, PrimeSense)
You should not need to calibrate anything. Have you configured everything for the Kobuki or the Create?
Also, it seems you are running stuff as root user, and that should not be necessary, I think.
rosrun rqt_image_view rqt_image_view
to see if there is some image being published,Ok, my very bad. I naively thought a xtion was a xtion, discovered a live and a live pro are not the same thing, that I had a pro, therefore no rgb image ... --; Sorry for the bother