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RGBDSLAM Trajectory Estimate - how to set first Pose?

Hi guys, im working with RGBDSLAMv2 on ROS and i want to get an trajectroy estimate of my camera poses. Therefor i start RGBDSLAM with launchfile and when im done with my movements i save the trajectory estimate with save->save trajectory estimate... The estimate file always looks something like that:

# TF Coordinate Frame ID: (data: ) 1469098633.783081 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1469098640.036581 0.275848 0.020410 0.294415 -0.193520 0.018365 0.040804 0.980075 1469098646.305309 0.933649 0.164289 0.734217 -0.009388 -0.632681 -0.042879 0.773167 1469098652.603054 0.232736 -0.030443 0.363119 -0.250998 -0.323221 0.003933 0.912421 1469098658.942726 0.774275 0.144088 0.990281 -0.423309 -0.522286 0.359163 0.647324 1469098671.300354 0.798439 0.076148 0.753766 -0.411806 -0.386113 0.462614 0.683608 1469098683.589347 0.381593 0.205269 0.430882 -0.121168 -0.137180 0.160132 0.969978 1469098689.913226 0.365984 -0.233443 0.756174 -0.601649 0.321524 0.640217 0.353217 1469098696.357226 -0.963319 0.279652 0.789236 -0.336228 0.297429 -0.652102 0.610941 1469098702.451519 -0.752688 0.181684 1.594890 0.812113 -0.048351 0.395374 -0.426397

Now i want to set the first pose to a known one, so that i can compare all the poses with my known ones. I just want to give the first one. The others i have just for evaluation. How do i do that?

Seems to me that this should be some kind of standart use case, but i cant find any answers on the internet.

Asked by Chuck on 2016-07-21 09:26:28 UTC


Check out my answers to this question.

Asked by Felix Endres on 2016-08-10 09:17:26 UTC
