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Setup Industrial package for SDA10F motoman driver with FS100 - MotoPlus

Hello we want to work with the SDA10F robot we recently bought. We want to conduct visual servoing tasks. Our computer vision software works under linux (Ubuntu). So far we can communicate with the robot using only Windows, but we would like to have the ROS package to interact with the robot to be able to integrate our computer vision software. We bought MotoPlus but we would like to know how to enable ROS-Industrial integration.


Asked by fide on 2016-06-23 08:48:44 UTC


If your visual servoing algorithm requires / expects a velocity interface then I'm afraid the vanilla motoman_driver package won't cut it: it does not support that. If position control is enough, then it should be possible, but only with an experimental 'point streaming / jogging' extension.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2016-06-23 10:24:05 UTC

As to how to set it up: have you taken a look at the tutorials? Make sure you also check the Requirements listed.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2016-06-23 10:25:04 UTC
